Learn to taste a wine in 4 steps

Learn to taste a wine in 4 steps 1

Many are convinced that tasting wine is difficult and not within their reach, but even the less experienced can learn with a few tricks to taste wine.

sensory analysis

Tasting wine means to analyze it through the sense of vista, dell’smell he was born in want, and this serves to evaluate its quality. Tasting wine means learning to know it, to understand it. Through tasting you learn to recognize smells, aromas, flavors. There are flavors that take us back in time, activate sensory memories, emotions.

A wine can make us relive a past experience, a dish cooked by our mother when we were little, a spring day spent at the house in the countryside, a trip to the sea.

Adesso che sappiamo perché si degusta il vino, vediamo quello che ci occorre per poterlo degustare: abbiamo bisogno di una bottiglia di vino, di un calice ben pulito (ma senza sapone), di un foglio di carta bianco e di un taccuino per gli appunti.

The sight

Per prima cosa osserviamo attentamente il vino mentre viene versato nel bicchiere, quindi portiamo il calice all’altezza degli occhi per poterne valutare la transparency, la clearness and the eventual fizz.

A questo punto prendiamo il nostro foglio di carta bianco e accostiamolo al calice per valutare l’intensity del vino, la sua tone the shades del colore.

Once the color has been analyzed, we rotate the glass in order to win the walls. We will notice the formation of a ring of liquid from which drops that flow along the glass of the chalice descend. This phenomenon is more easily observed in wines rich in ethyl alcohol. For example, in fact, lighter wines, such as Vernaccia di San Gimignano slide quickly, while heavier ones, such as Nobile di Montepulciano remain longer on the sides of the glass. Many names have been given to this phenomenon, in Italian we speak of “archetti”, in English of “legs”, in French of “tears”, in German of “church windows”.


We bring the glass to the nose and inhale intensely and with our eyes closed, marking on the notebook whatever comes to mind or reminds us of that smell. The smells of wine are of various kinds, their classification is made by association with natural smells already known, such as i flowers, i fruits, the herbs.

We slowly rotate the glass on itself so as to release the fragrant substances of the wine. Its scent can be associated with della fruit fresh or dried, such as pears or almonds, it can recall the taste of cherries or even that of leather, of the plaster or wood. For example, the Chianti Classico has floral notes combined with a character of red fruits, the Vermentino La Mora has hints of succulent summer fruit with ripe pulp and yellow flowers. Chianti Natio has an intense aroma of fresh fruit with hints of spice, reminiscent of cherry, blueberry and plum.

The taste

After having smelled it, we can finally taste it.When tasting the wine, you have to sip a small amount at a time, holding it in your mouth for a few seconds to capture all the taste sensations. In order to taste wine correctly, one must try to notice the initial taste, intermediate and finale. There are four basic flavors that our language is able to recognize: dolce, amaro, acid, salty. Quality wines have a good balance between acidity, alcohol and tannins.

Just a few moves to become a wine expert, tanto da rivelarsi molto più semplice del previsto. Adesso che conoscete come degustare il vino, non dimenticatevi di godervelo. Il vino è soprattutto un piacere!

A questo punto che aspettate a scoprire come abbinare il vino?

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